The butcher is going to tell veterinarians what he/she found? The Creationist Consensus on Global Warming, Creationism, global warming denial, and scientific integrity, "The Magnetic Hoax: The Giant Hoax as an Example", After the Election, Trump Maintains His Bizarre Relationship with Conspiracy-Pushing Website: His claim of millions of illegal votes is straight from the 9/11 truthers of "Infowars. This, somehow, isnt considered a box office bomb on any website I know of. Its related to one of the other Crank films. Sure, the second film got a bit of flack for allegedly being misogynistic and racist, but so have plenty of other films. I laughed out loud again at the part about how Dr. Malone holds his side to higher standards, seemingly not recognizing that the tactics that he and his allies use are rooted in misinformation and conspiracy theories every bit as outlandish at their core as the conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination, the moon landing, the destruction of the World Trade Center, and all the other conspiracies featured in the opening montage of Died Suddenly. Michael J. His explanation was as follows: The penultimate reason Crank 3 was never released, It was buried somewhere in 2013 due to SJ becoming more and more rampant. Hilarity is ensuing. As such, for the sequel, the budget was increased a bit. If you still dont know who he is: Statham was in the original Transporter trilogy and plays Deckard Shaw in the Fast & Furious films. Theyre there. Heck, Neveldine & Taylor havent made a movie together in close to a decade; the last time they made one was Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. One study, NASA faked the moon landingTherefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax: An Anatomy of the Motivated Rejection of Science, gave evidence that climate change denial correlated with denial of the moon landing, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and endorsement of laissez-faire free markets:[12]. The fact-check is titled: The film Died Suddenly rehashes debunked claims and conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 vaccines. Abou-Ismail said the incidence of blood clots ranged from 20% to 40% among patients with severe COVID-19 illness, and 3% to 9% among those with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness. I digress though: the idea here is that, presumably, either Crank 3 was written or perhaps even filmed and that it was so politically incorrect that Lionsgate absolutely refused to release it, let alone any studio. It turns out that Guetzkow was also very unhappy with this segment, with hilarious results: People have said: everybody makes mistakes and no documentary nails the facts 100% of the time. If you ask me, this entire theory is a great example of 4chan users making up a conspiracy to add to the ever growing number of Conspiracy Icebergs to screw with those uneducated on what goes on on the /x/ board. As I pointed out in my review of the movie two weeks ago, the reason that Peters interspersed all the conspiracy fodder is obvious. I am much in agreement with you, Jay. RFK Jr. starts the ball rolling with an intro praising Malone for being one of the brave few to stand up to the military industrial intelligence apparatus which is weaponizing the pandemic for its malign purposes. This is why people are terrified when Trump says he has an "open mind". This suggests that there must be an underlying mechanism or ideal that attracts people to these ideas in general, rather than just the merit of the individual beliefs themselves. It is actually hard to persuade reasonable people of the accuracy of your position by packaging it in the notion that elites are trying to kill and sterilize the population, but not for the reason he states. One critic was a bit peeved about the second film allegedly being misogynistic and racist, though given how the Fast & Furious ogle women like a child ogles lollipops when they see one, I cannot fathom how the former of those two grievances is any worse. Unless explicitly noted otherwise, all content licensed as indicated by. But unfortunately the film taints and tarnishes the material on the clots and other important information1by covering it with a lot of garbage. No, seriously. The Shadow Conspiracy Killer Cranks were designed by Shadow team rider, Trey Jones for his unique style of BMX trickery. Roswell incident . [17], It's funny that in a movement which disparages media bias, the most prominent, visible and recognizable members include a 'journalist' who blamed video games for Elliot Rodger and thinks homosexuality and "transgenderism" are mental disorders, plus an embezzler who believes radfems control the UN. Some anti-Catholic cranks attributed Harding's death to "hypnotic waves generated by the minds of Jesuit . The U.S. military eventually revealed that the balloon was part of a top-secret program. But I dont watch many videos or listen to podcasts these folks do, so appears I am missing some key info about Malone. Personally, I think the concept on its own is quite interesting. And evenifthat is true, it is a terrible way to package the factual evidence of increased deaths and reduced fertility as a result of the COVID-19 jabs. What does drive a conspiracy theorist to simultaneously believe the JFK assassination conspiracies, the moon landing hoax, and anything claimed by the 9/11 truth movement? Died Suddenly comes out very strong from the starting gate pushing the idea that Gates and all these people who talk about reducing the worlds population want to kill and sterilize us. If theres one thing Im silent about, its how much I love to read about movies, the troubled production of some movies, and generally about what the latest movie gossip is. I cant think of any other explanation than that taking those vaccines is going to kill people. Also note that Orac is nonpartisan; he is more than willing to criticize the statements of anyone, regardless of of political leanings, if that anyone advocates pseudoscience or quackery. Suggested reading. I do not opine on every single vaccine in the world because I frankly do not care about most of them and do not know enough. Its also possible that something very serious went on on the set of the first or second film (or perhaps the third if it was being filmed in secret) and it was covered up. Damar Hamlins collapse: To antivaxxers, its always the vaccines, Grant Wahls widow, Dr. Celine Gounder, battles COVID disinformation after his death DIKJUT Salaar GOODS, Hiltzik: Anti-vaxxers have flooded into the Damar Hamlin case - Onhike. Theyre the folks that infest Twitter and make me wish that Id never bothered to step foot into that cesspool. Against that 20 million dollar budget, Crank: High Voltage grossed only 34.6 million. That it is just like every other conspiracy theory out there? So yeah, with that, the story of the Crank Incident comes to an end. This can also cause exceptions to crank magnetism; a randomly-selected astrologer is likely to also believe in woo like homeopathy, but unlikely to believe in Young Earth Creationism, since YEC is part of a different milieu (one that often outright opposes all fortune-telling other than Biblical prophecy as witchcraft, at that). If enough people believe something, it must be true. I thought Malone and his wife were rather well off, and owned the horse ranch/farm in VA where they live. Learn how your comment data is processed. Amusingly, the article by Josh Guetzkow to which Dr. Malone points another example of this, as Guetzkow is credulous about many claims in the film: There is some great information in this movie. Though hey, if Im wrong, please let me know. None of this stops him from identifying Stew Peters as a chaos agent, noting that nearly every good researcher Ive talked to takes issue with it, and for a variety of reasons. Even more amusing is how Crawford expresses amazement, claiming to have been honestly shocked to see Steve Kirsch in the Stew Peters production because (1) he never mentioned it during his steering committee meetings (few of which he attended over the past 8 months), and (2) I thought he had better judgment than to muddy his reputation by working with Stew Petersparticularly after Peterswatched the water for snake venomuntil it blew up into a dumpster fire (thats not a defense against the dark arts spell). Steve Kirsch, you will remember, is one of the crankiest of COVID-19 antivaxxers, one who loves to challenge critics to five hour debates on YouTube or Rumble. Clearly a greed-driven grifter. [20][21], Anti-creationist blogger The Sensuous Curmudgeon coined the more unwieldy term "vindication of all kooks doctrine" to describe a similar phenomenon. If I were to play the game of taking a shot in the dark, pouring the liquor onto my face, and then taking a shot in the dark as to what the Crank Incident could be if it were related to the first two Crank films, itd be that there was a Weinstein-style cover up that stated this scene was a genuine case of rape on film. Crank magnetism also denotes the tendency even for otherwise "lone issue" cranks to accumulate more crank beliefs over time. A woo-meister who serves as a supposedly accomplished educator, researcher and professor instructs his students that Tell me in the comments below what you think the truth is. I wont single anyone out because so many are so truly excellent. Experts we talked to say theres something to the claim about a greater incidence of blood clots, but they dismiss the idea that its linked to the vaccines. His explanation was as follows: The penultimate reason Crank 3 was never released, It was buried somewhere in 2013 due to SJ becoming more and more rampant. Parents conflate criticism of their use of their childs death to promote antivax misinformation with mocking them or their child. The first film had a budget of 12 million dollars; it grossed 42.9 million. That fact check convinced me that the clots are real. I gathered ( from an interview on NN IIRD) that he lost lots of money ( invested in real estate, the 2008 Market crashed, big debts) and moved to the country and lived in a trailer to raise horses for rich ladies to ride. What does antivax really mean since COVID-19? Usually anti-vaccine activists do not call each other out. By just running the gamut of CTs superficially, theres a kind of non-judgement of them individually, which can be seen as posing a question the film will then answer: which type of CT is this? 28 November 2022, Natural News. Believe it or not, the loons I follow say almost exactly the same thing! Allow me to provide a counter example from recent history. Hulda Clark-esque hypothesis that autism is caused by parasites, has denied the seriousness of COVID-19 (the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2). Anything stated during the many interviews which were used to generate the final product which could not be documented was left on the cutting room floor. Or you can scroll down and read about Five Nights At Freddys. In academic sociology a similar notion to crank magnetism exists, namely Colin Campbell's concept of the "cultic milieu", which attempts to show a network and shared culture and literature that exist between various clusters of cultic groups and views. Go directly to shout page, Do you have any photos of this artist? What was the point of interspersing the montage with all this conspiracy theory fodder? I do so love a good crank fight. Bigger isnt always better though as the box office returns for that film dropped by a fair bit. [1] He has also coined the phrase "magnetic hoax" in relation to hoax claims that attract multiple crank interpretations. Moon landing footage, UFOs, Bigfoot, and what appears to be the Loch Ness monster. And (unfortunately) it did not go viral. Another study titled Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories managed to show that not only will cranks be attracted to and believe in numerous conspiracy theories all at once, but will continue to do so even if the theories in question are completely and utterly incompatible with one another., This DIED SUDDENLY documentary is so bad, Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson According to British conspiracy theorist David Icke, who first published on this theme in his 1999 work The Biggest Secret, tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity. They create long lists of references and name drop well known scientists or philosophers: ..Feynman once said.. or .. Bacons idols.. as if they understood what they were quoting. This is yet another theory that I came up with by myself since it seemed rather obvious that if it wasnt either the first theory or the succeeding one, then it clearly had to with something else entirely. It describes the conglomerate of subcultures and shared reservoir of hidden, rejected, and oppositional beliefs and practices associated with a wide variety of spiritual movements. To some, it may, while to others, it may not. In particular, the interviews with the embalmers and morticians are incredible. Three years after that, in January of 2018, Brian Taylor stated that it would be a while before a third Crank film would be made. Nevertheless, I found myself asking why, if we assume the makers of Died Suddenly are competent in their craft, they would open their piece with something so open-ended. These patients experienced blood clots both in deep veins and arteries, which sometimes led to strokes and heart attacks. Embalmers and funeral home workers say they are noticing an increase in unusual blood clots among the deceased. You really are one of the dumbest pieces of crap around Igor. (I also like how he managed to bring in culture war tropessuch as transphobiaas he complains about a movie promoting the same misinformation about COVID-19 that hes been promoting for well over two years because it leans too heavily into conspiracies for his taste. Even more hilarious is Dr. Malones complaint in which he compares Died Suddenly to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.s The Real Anthony Fauci: For either side of the debate. Whats next? Most of the latter are contaminated. Blue Lotus Extract, Your email address will not be published. This is just how you perceive it. There's a very good chance such a person will also be one or more, or possibly all, of the following: a Christian fundamentalist, a biblical literalist a white nationalist, an anti-Semite, a neo-Confederate, a sovereign citizen, a conspiracy theorist, a birther, a teabagger, a creationist, a climate change denier, a gun nut, an MRA, a Randroid, an Austrian schooler, a gold standard advocate, a homophobe, a militia nut, a COVID-19 denialist, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, a QAnoner, Several other people follow the "crank magnet" mindset. Swatting is a criminal harassment tactic of deceiving an emergency service (via such means as hoaxing an emergency services dispatcher) into sending a police or emergency service response team to another person's address.This is triggered by false reporting of a serious law enforcement emergency, such as a bomb threat, murder, hostage situation, or a false report of a mental health emergency . The book has garnered a bevy of celebrity endorsements. The claim that vaccines cause previously healthy young people to "die suddenly" is not new. As the US government is officially secular under the Establishment Clause, the religious right are likely to hold anti-government sentiment. But it will withstand the test of time. Orac, what you are describing is several people (Josh Guetzkow, Crawford etc) who try to be honest to the best of their ability. This is mentioned at about 10 minute into the episode. More importantly, it demonstrates how most cranks refuse to accept that they are cranks, to the point that having their noses rubbed in the sorts of conspiracy theories that they support, even if they dont directly argue for them themselves makes them profoundly uncomfortable. the stuff of legends. Crank: High Voltage had a budget of 20 million dollars. I do not think it means what you think it means. People with real money sometimes, as a PR save, stress how hard they work or how they had had very humble beginnings. Its related to something else entirely. Thats a fairly respectable amount of money and definitely a positive gain for distributor Lionsgate. Ditto how uncomfortable Died Suddenly makes Dr. Malone: For what its worth, I hold our side to higher standards than I have come to expect from corporate (broadcast and published) media. People fond of the theory of memetics would recognise this as a memeplex (a complex array of ideas of cultural significance that work together to reinforce each other) where a central idea allows others to attach themselves very easily. Just ask my friends who never comment on this blog (cmon guys, at least leave a comment saying good job, Vert!) about how much I love them. I can cite specific examples and names too. Read about Crank Incident by THE CONSPIRACY THEORY ICEBERG (part 5 1 and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Exaggerated claims about myocarditis [], [] by the film. I come from a school of film analysis rooted in semiotics, and as a general rule we dont go into discussions of intent. Antivaxxers do not need to pretend like they agree on everything. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. If youve never seen Crank, I would recommend it. Or was this a 4chan prank that nobody cared about because they were too interested in GGGQEP? He tests each product he sells and other companies goods. What?? Well, lets dive into them. As you might recall, this 68-minute pseudodocumentary went viral, positing a conspiracy theory in which COVID-19 vaccines are supposedly causing young healthy people to die suddenly. The cause as claimed in the film is massive clots caused by the spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccines, and the evidencesuch as it wasincludes anecdotes by embalmers relating how supposedly theyve been finding more and more clots in bodies that they have been embalming. The Truth about Roswell may be 'out there', but is has been shrouded by faulty memories, hoaxes- and . But even if all the errors in this documentary can be chalked up to everybody makes mistakes, it doesnt explain the attempt to blackwash the movie by associating it with a bunch of conspiracy theories like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. As stated on the totally not a low-key confession to Americas only unsolved hijacking, IMDb: In the public sex scene, all the non-actors' reactions to the scene were real. Thats not how I understood it at all. Id like to point out the bang up job Oracs minions have done of late concerning various trolls, anti-vaxxers and contrarians. He is very much unhappy that the movie parrots a common antivaccine mischaracterization of a TED talk as Gates admitting that vaccines will cause global depopulation, even as he seemingly understands how that interpretation came about: Then they cut to Chad Whisnat, a plain-spoken, down-to-Earth Funeral Director saying something to the effect of: Bill Gates said hes going to reduce the population with vaccines. Built from 100% 4130 chromoly with investment cast spindle bosses and 22mm spindle you know this cranks are going to hold up under to tough conditions. This is their strength and not a weakness we are a community of critical thinkers. They let it define them. Anyways, despite that drop in box office returns, Statham stated that a third film was very much possible with actress Amy Smart (who also starred in the films) stating it may be in 3D. And it pisses me off. I firmly reject this. I gather from the Amazon preview that the book is heavily about Malone, his wife and their brave struggles against the machine. Then they cut to Chad Whisnat, a plain-spoken, down-to-Earth Funeral Director. Its opposite is the stopped clock (which is when otherwise overly credulous people actually find some crankery that they won't believe in, and may even actively denounce it). lists it. Serendipity: Geopolitics, Drugs, Religion, Music and More! The sequence may be taken to function as a kind of innoculation. Sycamore Knoll, a pop-up structure 20 km west of Point Dume in the hanging wall of the north-dipping Anacapa-Dume Fault, stands out as an anomalous bathymetric high along the Southern California coast. (That, and the length of the preceding sentence.). spanish middle names for isaiah; who does tim fleming marry on heartland; difference between achalasia and dysphagia Adams discovered that this was not that profitable, so he turned his equipment onto things where he could attract more marks not already wedded to supplements instead of medicine. Some of them, without evidence, are attributing it to the COVID-19 vaccines. And then dont get me started on RFK Jr. and his book and movie full of conspiracy theories about Anthony Fauci, lab leak, and HIV/AIDS denial. Serendipity: Geopolitics, Drugs, Religion, Music and More! It took place in the first film when Stathams character spontaneously has sex with Amy Smarts character out in public. Several witnesses reported seeing a disc-shaped object flying through the sky approximately 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of Roswell, New Mexico, on the night of July . It fits the film quite well, though it may be way too much for some if youre prone to motion sickness. I dont think anyone mocked her death. Little is gained (or learned) when one can only recite facts. I once pointed out how some of the most out there cranks like to point to even worse cranks as a way of representing their conspiracy theories and disinformation as being reasonable compared to even more outlandish theories and disinformation promoted by others. Open interaction with Universe society could yield fairly rapid results in forestalling our ecological crisis, and elevating human society. The association between COVID-19 and blood clots was recognized early in the pandemic among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, said Yazan Abou-Ismail, a hematologist at University of Utah Health. Mir wird wirklich schlecht: Janos Hegeds ber Died Suddenly | gwup | die skeptiker, Gov. "[14] The study therefore appears to indicate that conspiracists do not notice (or even care) about the glaring logical discrepancies that arise from being attracted to several, mutually incompatible, conspiracy theories, just as long as the theories somehow contradict the "official" version of what happened (see section "Conspiracy nuts" below). Studies have shown that parents believe messages about vaccines when they come from parents more than when they come from scientists/physicians thus, in the decade several some agencies also include parent informers to affect the publics view of vaccines. As for antivax cranks trying to gain credibility by criticizing even worse cranks, weve seen that on RI quite recently. Orac also refers to anti-Covid-vaxers as antivasxers. Other commentators (for example The Daily Skeptic andJosh Guetzkow) have appropriately noted that the (generally well funded and produced) video includes segments which are misleading at best, falsely imply one or more cause-effect relationship between a sudden death event and vaccine administration, or otherwise employ cinematic license tostoke outrage. These two positions are mostly politically motivated, and holding them requires the active rejection of known fact. thankful for friends memes. The earliest reference to this story I can findat least on 4chanis from. They work in labs and counsel people. December 7, 2022. []. I like movies a lot. Normally, a kernel of jarring truth is exagerrated, kneaded, worked on. Their role models are mis-informers like RFK jr, Wakefield, Mercola, etc. You know that old saying about not being so open-minded that your brain falls out? I found the interview Nov 28 2022 Natural News. I find you disgusting and I have no sympathy left for you, because it is YOUR CHOICE to make claims that just arent based in the evidence you think exists. The Died Suddenly claims about excess mortality? You can ascertain when someone actually studied deeply and when they are cosplaying or mimicking erudition. The initial impetus for a variety of groups (as diverse as Scientology (founded in the 1950s), the Human Potential Movement, the Jesus Freaks, and the turn towards alternative medicine) was the shared oppositional left-wing subculture of the 1960s and 1970s, while in the 1990s, the militia, Posse Comitatus, and tax-protest movements drew on a shared milieu of an oppositional right-wing subculture. You name it, Jones has already exposed it, developed an even crazier theory, and proven that every other crank talking about it is a disinfo agent working for Them. This led to it becoming known as the Crank Incident. It did not rely on either hyperbole or misrepresentation. This provides empirical confirmation of previous suggestions that conspiracist ideation contributes to the rejection of science. [], [] indeed. There are also newsgroups which are nominally devoted to discussing (alt.usenet.kooks) or poking fun at (alt.slack, alt.religion.kibology) supposed cranks. Than that taking those vaccines is going to tell veterinarians what he/she?... It grossed 42.9 million ; s death to & quot ; die Suddenly & quot ; die Suddenly quot... Recent history phrase `` magnetic hoax '' in relation to hoax claims that multiple! Magnetism also denotes the tendency even for otherwise `` lone issue '' cranks accumulate... The material on the clots and other companies goods of them, without evidence, are it! Quite recently better though as the Crank Incident by the film quite,... He tests each product he sells and other important information1by covering it with a of... To pretend like they agree on everything could yield fairly rapid results in forestalling our crisis... 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