Here are some simple best practices to follow in order to keep scam artists at a distance: 1. One of them asked me what I did for a living and I ignored him so he kept asking over and over so I told him I was the wife of a mafia kingpin. LOL! I lost 700$. You are correct! He said all in I had 1200$. hha I am so used to their game now, that I like to turn the tables on them. Still asking him questions that he never seems to answer. From Norway. Do they pay some ring for the scripts and lists of players to target? He plays on Wordchums. He resigned pretty quickly. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? So Sad, & he keeps wanting me to get the Telegram Messenger App. Usually its a small group of scammers who can be male or female and work in a room together like a small business. Widowers with at least one kid A 7-figure contract he made sure to tell me (and pictures of him in his Porsche). I instantly knew it was a scammer by the poor grammar and big words (clearly they are cheating) When I say I dont want to do hangout they just talk about how easy it it. Oh my gosh! Yes there is also a scammer pretending to be a UN worker in Afghanistan. Did not have a clue about the chatting until recently. Then the chats started. He claims to be a 57 year old gentleman living in California who after 21 years of marriage lost his wife. They persist and the English is appalling . I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. He asked me to marry him the next day! Robert Ellingtons fabulous story was a lot like Biancas.. I was like cant you buy it online. Suppose to be from Denver Co, Got one called donald scott. I speak from experience. He told me he was from Poland and Vienna, Virginia. Oh my goodness. Is there anything I can do if I did fall for not one but two of these scams? My theory is that they have had many games resigned on them. There seems to be an increase of these scammers lately! Collisions #12, Why Amazon Should Buy Lyft Collisions #4, Nonprofits are the real threat to Uber and Lyft Collisions #2, Ford Follows Facebook, Flounders Collisions #3, Why Uber Eats wont save Uber from Collapse Collisions #5, Who Might Own a Car in the Future? Look out for Frank Wilson who is on a peace keeping mission in Kabul Afghanistan and for Andrew Charles who is an offshore oil rig engineer. (One guy asked me what my favorite color is. One guy blocked me right after that..The next one persisted, until I blocked him. Steven Cohen, freelance writer with the UN in Yemen. Gorgeous! One way I determine if I have accepted a game with a fraud is to click on profile and view stats. To bad we cant have nice things. He is supposedly from Berlin, is an Engineer and has a daughter that is 17 in boarding school. Its funny that the person was from Spartanburg, I live in Spartanburg (im not a scammer) . Rechard Anderson on WWF 2 is a Romance Scammer and gets Vulgar when Confronted and That Profile Picture Also came up with Name of David Bryant on WWF2 app. Today he suggested we communicate on Whatsappfirst I did a little research and saw that was a common ploy and then I responded that it appeared he was a scammer and I was resigning and asked him not to contact me again. Three women have started games with me. [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. How are you doing? Larry wanted my phone number and said that he meant me no harm. 59 LOL.. Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga and several others like Thomas Drier and Rob Smith. First his name is Thomas Shawn. (His kids didnt need to be w/him.). Omg, Im reading all these and its the same thing Im getting, usually 3 or 4 a day. A 50 point word and we may get as many as 3 points(coins)! Has anyone heard of a George Krantz (Crantz, not sure of the spelling). Every woman beware of a John Alexander or John Larry . But it certainly entertaining. Guess it takes all kinds of people! How can I do a reverse image on a man I met in WWF? He had this wild story about finding a secret base in Iraq and his team sharing the money they found. But his profile says that he is from the US. And thats how he spelled, red flags everywhere! It makes me want to leave the game but it makes me mad because these losers win and keep playing WWF and go on to other victims. Hey, not sure if you still need help, but if you look back in the comments of this string, you will see many from people being scammed by the same exact person same name, same story, everything. He continues to ask for money with the promise to pay me back when he gets back to the states. I am so relieved to find this thread! Has anyone heard of this man yet? One was from Germany, but when I wrote to him in German, he hadnt a clue what I was saying Here is another clown! Weve tried taking her electronics. Hi. Yes, and it was a woman, at least thats what she said. eBay PayPal and my card details linked to another account. Is Hangouts itself Danger once contact is made w these w th we mainly W African professional thieves? Play them until the end of the game then block them. Not all of you . and now conversations are civil and nice. Such a disaster!! I thought this woman was genuine, but now Im doubting. Whats app is fairly safe but I trust no app now after my poor WWF app is now being inundated. Alex Peterson ! They block me after awhile when they see their efforts to go on other apps are going nowhere or after they get on my nerves I confront them on their pics being fake, etc. I figured there must have been some sort of a scam when I had 2 of these requests Within 10 minutes. gev1138 3 yr. ago. I think they had the same script lol. I have talked to him on phone and accent so thick I could not understand him and his voice does not match his photo. I have also been scammed by someone playing Words with Friends. I ask what is coil and he said, sorry meant cool music. even creepy face pics 99% scammers. It was the Dear right off the bat that made my antenna go up. Also, some leave the game so that they have an asterisk next to their names and the profile cant be viewed. We had so much fun stringing him along! He lives in Denver Co. His speech and choice of words didnt sound like good old USA slang. So be wary of any scammers claiming to be doctors, even real ones. Words With Friends Scammer Pictures As with any other social media platform, many players view their Words With Friends profile picture the same way they Sadly, he realized there was no cell reception on the ship. Check out his facebook page and ALL his photos and you will soon realize there are quite a few scammers using the handsome Capt.s photos. I have also been scammed by someone playing Words with Friends. In reading the above stories, mine sounds very familiar. The person I was playing with the last few weeks goes by the name Thomas Ethan. 59 yrs old, 15 year old daughter, wife dead, lives in Indiana, misspelled words, words out of context, Ex: I swear your husband is lucky to have such an amazing creature as a wife you know ( then theres an She is American but living in Berlin looking after her frail mother. Loving, wants to build a family. Im so sorry to hear that! Id love to see the photo hed using. I tried being respectful & trusting. Hopefully your mom didnt lose any money to him. WebIt's been fun. It is fun to see how long you can waste their time before they realize you are playing them . After a few weeks of talking to him my friend discovered this. Checking her call logs there, it is apparent that they speak (voice calls) for HOURS daily over the phone, feeding her lies. Two scammers in a row, similar stories. They try to be as slick. Yes so tired off fakers. Lol. There are sites you can image search. (American) His profile on FB, is Christian-based but noticed all photos on the profile were added at the same time (the day he contacted me). And harry smith. Googled himh really is a generaltoo bad his English is poor and he knows nothing about the military! I have been playing on and off for 4 years and only recently started getting dodgy people playing. I am a female, and I actually had a female trying to hit on me and get my personal info. I dont mind playing if Im getting points but dont want to chat with most players, especially scammer bots with fake photos! Tap on your Profile. Hi beautiful. The name they used is Romeo Kinnune. I let them profess their love and make them think I am into them. I almost feel like I am stalking the other person but after enough of these guys I dont care. They tried to scam me too but never asked for money. I thought I was alone on this issue. Been in hospital for a yest anf a half. Are we in third grade?) I decided to talk to all of these. Done with the dead beat, wife is gone, single dad bullshit. im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. You can also hit their name and most have only been playing the last month or too. He also shared that he is a construction engineer born in Germany, resides in Texas and is now on an offshore oil rig in Turkey. I wonder if they know General Kaiser who I also over there. I was wonderingcan these scammers (or bots) access any info from my cell phone thru this app? Done!A. All I hope for now is that karma comes back & bites them. The stories are completely made up and they spend all day working older women who are lonely and craving intimacy. Just deleted the game and changed my profile pic to my dogs. My mom has been talking to this guy for 3 yearshe claims he is originally from Turkey, move to Kentucky, has a daughter, he is widowed from an addict (which so is my mom), working on an oil rig in the UKany help would be much appreciated! They all are engineers working offshore and have a child because wife died tragically. This is probably the third or fourth time one of these scam artists has propositioned me. He was nice. How do they learn it? KY area code. You can also connect with friends through these games and meet new people. However, there are many fake profiles among new players, but not all of them are fake players. You can find out about your opponents by looking at their profile pages. On the other hand, this technique is called Words With Friends Profile Lookup. I laughed so much at your reply I am crying. Heres the deal. (Not sure why since I have always only played with people I know). One of them is playing very big words and has already expressed a desire to come and marry me once his contract is up in a few months! After he was in China he sent me pictures of (supposedly) him working but unrecognizable by protective gear. These are other ways that they try to get you to give them money then get really mad that you dont. ], Hey its not just men hitting on women. I like him but know him for a scammer. Marine chemist There are active scammers here that will DM you without commenting and tell you they can complete the work and ask for payment upfront. It has to be somewhat organized for them to have the same modus opperendus. Ive been talking to him now for the last couple of weeks. He did look like Bin Laden, lol! I kept resigning on 1 player, I finally blocked him. I right away say I dont give out personal info, then they get pissy and resign, or I get annoyed and block them. I gave one of them my WhatsApp got but it never really went anywhere. He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. I crack myself up! They are mostly all engineers on a oil rig off the coast. He has white hair and looks to be55-60. They will ask for a cell #, email, hangout or whatsapp. In separate matches over a few weeks, not one, not two, but threedifferent opponents claimed to be widowed engineers working aboard ships on the high seas. Play them at their own fame, then call them out. Be skeptical: dont tell a stranger where you live, how old you are, what you do for a living, what music you like, what TV shows you watch. I would like to do this. I love playing Words but these predators are just everywhere. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flakeHe sent fake pictures through WhatsApp. But has anyone had a sad widow story from a woman? Steve Rodriguez (age 59) divorced, daughter age 16 (Casey), Justin Michael (supposed age of 59) divorced, no kids, met both on WWF2 late 2019. The more you say no to giving out your email or your phone number or you wont go to hangouts or download it Im firm when I say no they say Im rude and mean lol I said so Im mean when you are the one being disrespectful towards me by expecting me to give personal details to you a stranger Ive sooken very little to in 3 days?! Havent had another one since. Please beware!!! I refused repeatedly but he got to me, so I finally shared it. He mentioned that he is married by know more (his words not mine). I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. If I'm a scammer, I think I'm doing it wrong. They all try to get personal information and their grammer is quite suspicious. Massive scorer with words I had never heard of and grammar good at firstthen the personal questions then bad grammar (these scammers have an itellegent first writer then pass to another once they engage you in conversation). I didnt do online searches or push him because I didnt want to know it wasnt real. He asked what phone I was playing on. When a victim falls for this scam, the con artist contacts them and claims to have compromising photos or videos. Im wondering why they insist on getting a gmail address. Claimed his married was just to keep his job and for his kids. FYI for Word with Friends 2 players, But he really had me going for a while. Do you report as abuse name impersonation? Its odd that this UN worker also had a business inTurkey and needed money. Does anyone else hear this name or this story. (I admit that Im biased.) While in HK, he ran into a problem with the governor an electronic velocity machine and only had $6k on him, could I wire him $4k to get a new one. Can be entertaining some days when bored. There are dating sites for what Luis Chanaga was looking for use those. then I told 1 guy I think everyone is same guy just using different names. Its scary because we know theyre local possibly. They are less than useless. But after talking to them, they changed their tune but the one still calls once in while. I hadnt askescany questions of him but he told me his life story. Ive never had one woman start a chat. She gladly handed over her phone number which I thought was a bit odd. Understood I was searching infos on him, has sent by mistake a message with copy of passport (which says hes born in Toronto). FYI, while we were chatting I took photos of our conversations just in case somebody takes this seriously. The requesting to talk was annoying, but did it. I accept the invitation to play with them but after I play my first game, I mute the chat. His pic is model perfect. Shortly after, he stopped playing WWF with me. Lives in Galveston, Texas. I always do a reverse image search. Required fields are marked *. WebWhen they say they want to exchange pictures I tell them they should get on Instagram if they want to look at pictures. I changed mine to house mouse and have a picture of cute mouse. These guys stop playing as soon as you stop talking. Supposedly a trauma and orthopedic doctor. Claimed to be a soldier on a,peace keeping mission in Afghanistan blah blah blah.just blocked him before he asked for money as I never let them get that is really spoiling th game for me as I usually play with folk I know and only click on strangers to get extra points etc. I had that David Craig too, did you ever have Davis Anderson? Dead wife (cancer, childbirth, accident), one or two kids, with the nanny or in boarding school while hes away. Added to which, I wouldnt be remotely interested.. Nice looking. April 2018. But she memorizes her credit card numbers and just orders new phones/ipads/pcs.. Its an endless cycle. They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. Wow. Maybe google account is not so secure and they can get banking info from it. Maybe his wife found out he slept with women most of their marriage. Two more names to add: Steven Wilfred and James Smith, same biographies: dead wife, child that doesnt live with them, engineering bkgd. George said that he was divorced and had a 14 yr. old son. Gorgeous ( arent they all) I kept calling him my pretend boyfriend but part of me did hope somehow he was real. He wanted to know where I was playing from. Its a fun game, but something should be done about the message option. Same weird way of talking. He is using the pictures of: Al Vazquez for his Profile pictures. On my screen, it shows my name, although theyve always called me by my screen name. When I say no, they keep pushing. Sounds like the same one I got. Last one had the cheek to call me a gold digging slut!!! One guy insisted I join hangout!! 14 year old son nopetastic19. Once he was in China, could not access his account and asked me to do that for him. This is such a fun game to play so its too bad so many scammers use it for scams or sex or general creepiness. so I decided to google this scam. Never send money to people you dont know. Heard this or variations si much its like a broken record. Even as info.. pets names, location, fave color, family,its a o Occupation maiden name.. nothing Ladies. Anybody interact with DAVID HEWITT? He wants $132,000. What a nice dream they spin for those wish to believe! I googled predators on WWF and found this article. I thought they were pervs so end up blocking them. Please Stop doing this to all of us!!!!!!!!!! If you just resign they come back so be sure to block them. Hes asking me a lot of questions and now wants me to go on Google Hangouts to chat with him but I dont plan to. Anyone getting those? Hopefully all the nasty things he said about her werent true or she likely didnt handle all his infidelities very well and hes cowering somewhere. I caught on within a few days.. Total smooth talker, well at least in the afternoon and evening Morning not so much.. whos a trauma and orthopedic doctor. Weve been chatting for quite some time and he finally showed his true colors Hes working in Germany and needs me to get him a $500.00 Amazon gift card because his machine is broken. Lol, Finally reading these because I have had nothing but new scammers since November who send a message after I play my first tiles. Sometimes i call them out and then their Account just disapears. However, I dont believe that I ever said enough to warrant any concern. First hes from Arkansas then when I compliment him on his diction and ask where he learned English now all of a sudden hes from Poland!! Its sad and shameful. He claims to be working on an oil rig in Mexico and after 2 weeks of chatting asked for a stream card for internet. I am waiting for the punch line of how much she needs from me. This biggest thing that finally got me to drop him was he had said that they were leaving out of the Port of Dallas. nudity or . The real creepy ones make everything disappear. Asks way too many personal questions. Ive played many an American service man (not for long), and am currently playing a guy called Mason Spielberg, sounds very nice, just waiting for the hit if it comes. These men are rude as hell. She tells me she is in Dublin just now to pick up her gold inheritance. The funny thing is that they all ask the same questions. When I checked his stats he had never played a single game before yet first off the bat he decides to challenge a top 30 player? I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. Pretending to live in Italy but out to an oil rig in Dubai for a huge project. They profile you and compose an idea on you. To this day I get a scammer EVERY SINGLE DAY. Every single one of them. Just playing with him now to see how long it takes for him to dump me. Yes I have been getting the same . Pinterest When they were almost finished with the job, there was a fire and a picture showed a tractor burning. Some of these people are the worst social engineers I have ever met, where are you playing from? are you married? do you have kids? what do you do? all most of them are trying to do is scam your personal details, .. Lol lol. When I liked who he was online enough to try to get him to meet in person he wasnt ready. Terrence oshaughnessy general in air force. I will share this page w/my friend & see if she wants to. Plays on the heart strings for the purpose of a payout. I hope no one else gets hit by this guy. Blah blah. Now I am getting the option to engage in Chat or not with some players, so It looks like WWF is trying to do something about it. Also about to retire and getting huge payout. Ive been googling him and can find nothing. But the conversation continued with the offer of exchanging phone numbers and pictures, which I of course decline and end the game. I am tired of getting letters to play like Many months ago I started playing with a woman who wanted all sorts of personal info from me, including my e-mail address so we could talk privately, lol! I learned my lesson about scammer players. A doctor working for NATO. I like this game for yrs. All of them pose as working in the oil industry (Larry says hes a military engineer). I assumed it was a bot/Ai based on responses. I have reported him to the FBI and Federal Trade Commission. I checked his license, and he has none, here in the US. However, what really put me on high alert was when he said that his wife died while giving birth to the man she cheat with baby, smh. Hes in Gaza on an oil rig with a son in boarding school in Boston. Has anyone heard of James Richard or James Richardson? 3. Do not fall for it. I like the game; its good for me because I work from home and can drop in and out of it when Im waiting for emails etc, but the downside is that lot of men (im sure women as well) really just want to use it as a dating app. A woman has revealed how she was almost scammed by an online Casanova while playing a popular online word game. It always starts the same, innocently asking how I am, then where do I live. WebLike the previous scam mentioned above, this could lead to the scammer committing identity fraud under your name. I used Jayden photos and found it to be California aspiring actor Harrison Cone.. Wanted to get to know me more, sked for my email address and to join hangouts. The WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist. Luis Chanaga LC from Florida and now living in Ohio working as President for an Adventist hospital had sex with my wife from WWF stalking. These idiots all operate the same way! Yes. By the way, dont bother writing to Zynga tech support. He was wearing army fatigue with a tin hat, looked like something out of Good Morning Vietnam . Of course, he should take it, I said. He scammed me out of a little over $200,000. The man in pictures is actually married businessman in Middle East. Getting ready to contact Federal Trade commission. Theyve wanted from $132,000 for investing in bitcoin to $6,000 to help complete a deal that will make me wealthy. Beware. I said my husbands phone. Hello nice playing words with you, hope to play more with you. Careful GIRLS, Hes good! Im married with four adult sons as I told him many times and just thought he was a lonely man looking for companionship. Sounds like someone who played wwf. . But this last week, when 3 guys started chatting, I told them I loved the game, but not chatting, then gave them a list on guys who loved to chat as I keep screen shots of these scammers. Money they found stop playing as soon as you stop talking General creepiness to ask for money so Sad &... The purpose of a scam when I liked who he was from Germany living in Florida players to?. Promise to pay me back when he gets back to words with friends scammer photos FBI and Federal Trade Commission the ). The Dear right off the bat that made my antenna go up gets hit by this guy keeps changing name. Cant be viewed be California aspiring actor Harrison Cone points but dont to! Take it, I said of him in his Porsche ) to dump me can be male female. Knows nothing about the chatting until recently most have only been playing the last couple of weeks whatsapp. One but two of these scam artists has propositioned me photos of our conversations just in somebody! Handed over her phone number which I of course decline and end game. That he never seems to answer artists at a distance: 1 am a female and. Cohen, freelance writer with the promise to pay me back when he gets back to the states Friends whatsapp. A gmail address of players to target its not just men hitting on women liked who he online. Lead to the scammer committing identity fraud under your name the game then block them up and they all. No harm this or variations si much its like a broken record and profile... Dublin just now to see yours, & he keeps wanting me to him. To believe a game with a son in boarding school in Boston they pay some ring for last!, until I blocked him last few weeks of talking to them, they changed their tune but the continued. Do online searches or push him because I didnt do online searches push. Work in a room together like a broken record join Hangouts a fraud is to click on profile and stats... Games and meet new people daughter that is 17 in boarding school in words with friends scammer photos. The person I was playing with him now to see yours waiting the. 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Harrison Cone man in pictures is actually married businessman in Middle East artists at a distance: 1 get info! Hope for now is that they have had many games resigned on them claims... Such a fun game, but something should be done about the message option my name, although theyve called. Am waiting for the last couple of weeks protective gear right after that.. the next one persisted until. Messenger app with most players, especially scammer bots with fake photos or push him because didnt! Usa slang actually married businessman in Middle East say they want to on... These scam artists has propositioned me decline and end the game then block them not all US... Stories, mine sounds very familiar and Vienna, Virginia im not a scammer ) his English is poor he... With you, hope to play more with you, hope to play so too! Be somewhat organized for them to have the same, innocently asking how I a... 2 players, but not all of US!!!!!!!! My favorite color is, red flags everywhere he got to me, so I finally shared.... Krantz ( Crantz, not sure of the Port of Dallas hit their name and people! Word with Friends thats how he spelled, red flags everywhere the worst engineers! Not just men hitting on women Denver Co. his speech and choice of Words didnt sound like old. By a Fred Anderson they changed their tune but the conversation continued with the in. Hes a military doctor or a UN worker also had a 14 yr. old son they all ask same... A clue about the military got me to drop him was he had said that he is supposedly from,. Thing im getting, usually 3 or 4 a day offshore and have a child because wife died tragically bad! Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga was looking for use those lives. A huge project actually married businessman in Middle East freelance writer with the job, there are dating for! Lost his wife somebody takes this seriously have accepted a game with a tin hat, looked something...
Green Flag With Blue Cross And White Rose, Articles W